Tony started out collecting antique auto parts and cars in his parents old shed. As his collection grew he moved to a lot in Hunters Point on Burke Avenue San Francisco. He grew so large that he moved over to two acres on Gertrude behind the Chevron Factory in Richmond California. He received requests from around the world for his rare cars and parts. He always said: "You don't get the bologny when you deal with Tony". He has passed on and all of his great treasures were stolen, but for those who remember him, will always have their many stories and memories of the real character that he was. Truly "The one and only Antique Tony". October 1916 - March 1983
Tony was also well known for his spaghetti dinners. You were considered someone special if he invited you. In fact, when Tony passed, I had to sue the guy that stole all his antique cars and parts. During the trial my attorney asked one of the witnesses if he had ever been invited to one of Tony’s dinners, he was so please to answer and said yes. Then my attorney asked if Haggerty i.e. the guy I was suing, was ever invited. You could see all the blood drain from his face; you see this witness was close with Haggerty and he was terrified to answer, but he did and the answer was “NO”. I won the case!
In loving memory, your daughter, Nicolette Germano© L.S.
Three "Laoch Bean" i.e. Gaelic: Worrier Women
My granddaughter Shea Nicol age 12, below are some songs she recorded
My daughter BabyJay